Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Behaviourist Theory for Atypical Behaviour

behavioristic Theory (10 marks) First of all, behaviourists be psychologists that think that behaviours be learnt instead of them being natural. behavioristic surmisal believes that people learn to be phobic rather than be born(p) phobic. Reason being, many people joining their fear of an object or smear to something badly they have experienced. For instance, if some unrivaled is stimulate of needles, it may have been be obtain they had a bad experience with it as a child, thereof causing a phobic disorder. This I know as classical conditioning development by association learn to come to a certain response with a certain stimulus.However, even behaviourists do urinate into account that some behaviour atomic number 18 non learnt, but are unbidden instead. This is called un condition response. This contains of instinctive responses such as sexual arousal and anxiety. Unconditi aned responses are triggered by unconditioned stimulus. They can be objects or events tha t naturally ready the response such as stimulating genitalia might cause arousal or a threat may cause us to be anxious. Yet, sometimes these responses carry on in the presence of a unbiased stimulus. Neutral stimuli dont cause a chemical reaction.However we copy it does when we experience something inviolable or bad. For framework if a individual ate chips and got sick -vomited, they may assume chips cause a bad reaction every single time. This is known as classical conditioning. Therefore each of the nonsubjective stimuli is then pick outd as a conditioned stimulus because they trigger a learnt response. A reaction to a conditioned stimulus is called a conditioned response. withal operant conditioning is a marches used by the behaviourist to describe learning by consequences. If the consequences of an action are worthwhile we learn to do them once more.Yet if the consequences are not good, we are likely not to do it again. A exemplary behaviours are learnt in the same manner as typical behaviours. Atypical behaviours are just much uncommon cases of classical conditioning. One of the criticisms of this theory is that it ignores the mind and the thinking behind it. For example if we two people got robbed at night, one is likely to think of it as one time incident and forget roughly it- rational. Whereas the other lead think it will happen many times again irrational. Thus causes to develop a phobia of dark. Different people have contrastive outlook to the event.

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